Monday, January 28, 2013

As they grow

It's been a while since I've filled you all in on what the boys have been up to lately, so here ya go!  It's been really cold here lately so we've had to really bundle up in order to go outside.  Luckily we have a lake and park close by so if we need to get out of the house we always go there. We started a new gymnastics class for both of the boys, which is a great way for them to burn off some of their energy, especially when it's so cold outside.  We are getting ready to celebrate Zach's birthday later this week.

Gabe enjoying his Christmas presents.

Gabriel:  What is this boy not doing?! Seriously, he is the type of child you have to watch at all times, and if he is quiet for a second he is getting into something.  He can climb on anything and everything: step-stools, tables, couches and chairs, and the list goes on.  He has gotten so fast lately and loves to run around with Isaac.  He has actually gotten pretty ornery and will take one of Isaac's toys and run away as fast as he can.  He then gives the toy to Isaac as soon as he asks, he just loves the thrill of the chase.  He also has decided he likes to go to time-out, so the other day he hit me several times just to go to time-out.  It was seriously the cutest thing though, he would be sitting in the time-out chair with the biggest grin on his face.  He continues to eat everything and would probably eat constantly if I let him.  He is finally off the bottle, and officially a big boy. (Makes me sad he is no longer a baby).

Isaac moved up to a big boy car seat

Isaac:  Today was a big day for Isaac, he went on the potty all day and did not have any accidents! This is a big thing for him because we have been working on potty training for a while, but with our big move here we've had some set-backs.  He also called my Jesse (Toy Story) all day and he was Buzz Lightyear.  I was pretty flattered by this because Jesse is his all-time favorite and his best friend, so I'll take it.  He has the best imagination and our days are spent pretending to be various characters. He just started swimming lessons this past weekend and he's loving them.  He continues to say the most hilarious things and the other day in the shower he asked Zach if he was using girl soap because it really smelled like girl soap.  He has become a pro at using his bike here, which if you haven't seen them they do no have any pedals.  They are amazing and teach the kids to balance at a younger age.  The other day he went down a hill and lifted his feet the entire time, it was amazing!

With love,

Sunday, January 13, 2013


 Back Home Again

The boys with Santa, Gabe was a little horrified, but didn't cry
And we're back after a long break for the holidays!  I will admit, before we went home for the holidays I was feeling a bit down in Germany.  It was cold, which makes it difficult to get out with the boys and no car, it gets dark at 4 pm, and the Germans aren't the friendliest of people.  That being said, I was a little worried about coming back after being spoiled in America.  However, much to my surprise I feel very refreshed after spending time with family and friends, being surrounded by friendly people, and eating delicious American food (I literally ate Mexican food 4 times)!
Sweet little Annie came for a visit.  And Isaac is just in love with her!

This post will mainly be of pictures of our time at home.  We stayed at both grandparent's house, although my Mom definitely got the worst of it because the boys were sick (and puking) for half of her time, although they were champs at cleaning up puke :) Besides the sickness we were able to visit with extended family, friends, and our pup Harper, who the boys could not get enough of.  We went to Target several times and the first time I went I brought Isaac with me and man was that boy in heaven.  He was literally running around the store picking out everything he wanted from Toy Story Band-Aids to Spiderman macaroni and cheese.  He told me multiple times this is his favorite store. We made sure to bring some of those staples back with us.

 This is how the boys spent most of their time with Harper, either riding him or curled up with him.  He is seriously the best dog and it broke our hearts to leave him again.

                           The boys on Christmas Eve.  They are turning into the best of buddies.

         Christmas morning with the Kleiner's. B-Pa is a little Christmas elf who spoils all of us!

                                   The boys with Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Trevor.

We are now home and finally adjusted to the time difference.  It's nice to be back in our home and back on a schedule.  I definitely have a better attitude about being here and am looking forward to visits from family and friends and doing some traveling of our own.  Hope you all had a lovely holiday season filled with family and fun.

With love,